Friday, November 18, 2016

XvM: Episode 9

Not a super interesting or unexpected episode. Taylor will not be missed. It'll be interesting to see what kind of fall out might come from tribal council in the next couple of episodes. Will Adam be targeted for both his reward advantage & shady/aggressive game play? It so it's completely justified - serves him right for confiding in Taylor!

The Teams:

Baggadocious "DK Double Stacker" - 75 points
  1. Ken (15 pts)
  2. David (28 pts)
  3. [Figgy (7 pts)]
  4. [Taylor (25 pts)]
MoonBee "Hannah & the Homeboys" - 60 points 
  1. Chris (13 pts)
  2. Adam (16 pts)
  3. Will (18 pts)
  4. Hannah (13 pts)
Michal & Ben "Sea Dogs" - 45 points
  1. Zeke (16 pts)
  2. Jay (21 pts)
  3. [Michaela (14 pts)]
  4. [Paul (-6 pts)]
Doug & Bri "The Real Housewives of Fiji (and Bret)" - 38 points
  1. [Michelle (25 pts)]
  2. Bret (10 pts)
  3. Jessica (6 pts)
  4. [Lucy (-3 pts)]
Dregs "Dreggy McBoatface" - 5 points
  1. [CeCe (-2 pts)]
  2. Sunday (7 pts)

Power Rankings:
  1. Hannah & the Homeboys: MoonBee still has all 4 players and Chris and Will are both very capable of bringing in challenge points over the next few weeks. All of these players could get targeted at any point of course, but even if they lose someone next week they'll still have a 1 player advantage against the rest of us. With the diversity of alliances & positions among this group, they are well suited to win this season.
  2. DK Double Stacker: David's name was mentioned by Sunday last week, but otherwise Ken & David are definitely flying under the radar. They seem to be the least threatening people this season, except for maybe Zeke. Will be interesting to see how DK does now that one of their stacks is gone.
  3. Sea Dogs: Jay not playing his idol was huge for both him & us. We might still have a chance at this if somehow he & Zeke both go deep. But we need to see Hannah & the Homeboys implode & soon if we're really going to have a shot.
  4. Housewives: Bret seemed to be keenly observant last episode... also a bit of a lush. It'd be nice to see him start playing the game more - he'd probably be a decent strategist. But he seems content to play second fiddle to Chris and/or anyone else, so I doubt he'll ever step up. 

Douche of the Week:


Doug said...

Agreed on the episode recap, power rankings, and DoW. Taylor gets my vote as well.

Jay will have to do some scheming to stay in this thing. Luckily Adam has been exposed as a big liability, so Jay might be able to hide behind that for a little while. Jay will have to find a Gen-X crack and use his idol wisely to have a chance at staying until the end though. Otherwise, I don't see anyone but Zeke on the Millennial squad having a chance at the finals if things continue playing as they are.

Sunday could be a bit of a wild card for the Gen-Xers. She was picking a vendetta with Jessica for some reason this last episode.

How would the Gen-X remaining cast divide up if they had to turn on each other?

My guess: Chris, Bret, Sunday vs. David, Ken, Jessica

Chris' crew would most likely have Zeke and Hannah.

I'm not sure about where Adam, Jay, and Will would fall if this was the divide. Gen X doesn't seem to currently have to worry about this, but it would be interesting if something were to get mixed up and they had to turn on themselves.

TheGraveWolf said...

Taylor DoW.