Sunday, December 16, 2018

Survivor DG: Episode 12

Image result for mike nick survivor

The epic struggle between Christian and Mike reached its resolution, with the latter winning their war of attrition. The guillotining of Christian illuminated the savvy of the remaining castaways, as they coldly offed their greatest threat the moment the opportunity was presented. This classic season has played out like a George R.R. Martin novel. The most powerful characters have patiently pulled strings from the shadows to topple the world's most featured and charismatic leaders. As in Game of Thrones, the edit has devastatingly misled the audience, endearing us with heroes before stunningly pulling their trapdoors to doom.

We're left with six castaways, perhaps less charming than those they've demolished, but worthy of the final battle. Let's reverse power-rank them in order of their chances of winning.

6. Angelina fancied herself a power player before being humbled into a shapeless burden like the sacks of rice of which she's fashioned her identity. Angelina is a decaf Natalie - disliked and disrespected by all, crippled by undeveloped corporate social skill, abrasiveness and a lack of self-awareness. The difference between Angelina and Natalie is the former lies within three standard deviations of bothersome, so her competitors are willing to tolerate her presence. At this point her competitors all recognize Angelina has no chance of winning at Final Tribal, so each is actually looking to get her there.

5. Kara has a well-rounded resumé including challenge victories, notable moves and backstabs. She's built it without really pissing anyone off except her ex-boyfriend. Yet it's difficult to envision a scenario in which she actually garners the most votes from this jury. It's hard to identify a jury member who would give her the most credit.

4. Nick has been an interesting bob-and-weave player throughout the season, forming corny-nicknamed alliances he appeared to be on the submissive end of but wasn't. At times it appeared his mind was coming unhinged. At times his partnerships seemed to be flagging. He botched his idol in the last episode. He's never dominated, but he does have enough feathers in his cap to convince the Jury of his worth. And convincing juries is what Nick does for a living.

3. Davie has played a world-class game. He's crafted trustworthy relationships without compromising his purpose. He's performed at challenges without attracting a bullseye. He's turned difficult situations on their heads. He's played the short game concurrently with the long. He's a player who could function in any group with any season. Davie is a truly awesome player. His problem is he was on the wrong side of the Christian vote and he's been identified by Lord Varys as next to go.

2. Alison likely hasn't done enough to distinguish herself to the Jury, but there is still time. Could Alison get to Final Tribal as part of a late Female Goliath Alliance and then upend Kara? Absolutely. Could she go on a convincing run of immunities and blindsides down the stretch? Certainly. Does she have the stones to sever the correct throats at the right moment? Without question.

1. Mike is a masterful strategic/social player in the vein of Richard Hatch and Cirie Fields. It takes great finesse to call the shots while letting others think they're calling the shots but still get credit for calling the shots at the end. Mike has been the puppet master throughout. He's disarmed his opponents instead of skirmishing with them. Mike will consider who he should take to Final Tribal more carefully and skillfully than anyone else. But when you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. Mike's time in the shadows is coming to a close, and he will have difficulty functioning out in the light.


A to Z have a humongous lead and I'm not smart enough to figure out if it's prohibitive. I am pretty sure it will be their team or ours, and we'll need Mike to win it. Possibly in a sweep. 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Survivor DG: Eps 11 (or Comcast says it's Eps 12, but whatever). This one -> So smart they're dumb

Guest blogger Doug here. It's late and I am waking up early tomorrow morning for a trip (in about 3 hours), but I had previously been told during a Top Chef fantasy draft dinner that this was a fairly strategically heavy episode, so my enthusiasm is high! Sleep can be sacrificed for good Survivor!

The episode starts with Nick pissed and regretting saving Christian in previous tribals. This is short-lived as the producers want to go straight to a family love reward challenge. Jeff says 5 words and we are there.

My take on the family interactions:

  • Davie's mom is awesome and their relationship seems awesome, but her other kids have to be a bit hurt by her calling out Davie as her favorite awesome kid on national television. I have been liking Davie more and more each episode and wish I would have taken him in the draft because he is mostly awesome. Like his mom. And their awesome relationship. 
  • Alison and her mom look nothing alike. We get no further details about their deal.
  • Kara's brother shows. She tells the plain truth that she would like to consider some contestants as real friends, but you never know who is faking it. This is a core Survivor trait that really messes some contestants up. She concludes that the best part about family is you know they are really on your side. True story. 
  • Nick's dad seems cool. Proclaims it's "What you give, not what you have." I like it, but we'll see if it helps Nick in the game at all. 
  • Gabby's mom arrives. Nothing of note there, except she confirms how much reassurance Gabby constantly needs. 
  • Angelina's mom clears the bushes. Starts off normal enough. Then there is a political call-out/reminder from Angelina that she sacrificed "her life" for rice for the good of the tribe. As if they had pre-practiced, her mom politician-ed for her right after this to the group. Quite a weird interaction given they haven't seen each other in however long. 
  • Mike's boyfriend Josh arrives. They give each other a friend-hug that didn't look like they had been together for 6 years. Their choice? CBS? A mix? Seemed VERY restrained and a bit odd. 
  • Christian's GF comes out next. He very awkwardly proclaims something about his beard's presence. Then awkwardly introduces her to Jeff. Then they took way too long to hug. Christian apologizes for how long the game is. He is lovingly awkward and gets emotional when she starts to walk away from him. Then he explains why and nails it. Guy is crushing this season and has to be a lock for Fan Favorite. 

Jeff pushes forward to the challenge like these family members didn't just get done with 19+ hours of travel. He antagonizes Angelina about not winning a challenge and starting in last place, again.

Angelina and Nick end up coming from dead last to "win" the chance to alienate some alliance members by choosing (1) person to join them in the family love reward. An easy choice of Davie is made. Then just like my and Zack's childhood soccer coach telling the team to take "1 more lap" around the field (over and over again, damn liar), Jeff tells the winning pair that they get to choose (1) more person (again) and kinda surprisingly another seemingly easy choice of Mike is made. Angelina says she "loves" Mike as he accepts the reward. No one believes her. Christian legitimately tells everyone to have a great time in the reward as the "losers" family members vanish and the barge feast begins. Everyone believes him. 

Barg feast - Lots of final 4 talk. Davie doesn't buy it and immediately identifies himself as #4 of the "final four". Back at camp, Gabby thinks Christian is playing her, based off his interaction with his GF. Gabby starts talking about bouncing Christian to "Slay her #1 ally" and make a big move solely for herself.

Immunitty challenge time - balance on beam with a pole / bucket of water overhead, etc.

  • Mike out first
  • Angelina doing some weird breathing 
  • After Angelina is out she starts helping Nick
  • Christian awesomely calls Angelina and posse out and gets no help
  • Davie gets beat by a damn fly (probably paid off by Angelina somehow)
  • Kara wins and is astoundingly good at challenges that she doesn't have to move much

Now the post immunity challenge scramble:

  • Alison calls out how hard it is to get Christian out
  • Gabby correctly says shes needs to get Christian out 
  • Nick is pissed about Christian betraying him and says he needs to get Christian out because he is "dead to him"
  • Davie is the spoiler. Wants Christian as a sheild. 
    • I love that Davie is playing his own game, but he is drawing dead against Christian and this strategy only makes sense if he plans to eliminate Christian later in the game
  • Christian pretends to repair the relationship with Nick
And immediately to Tribal and more bullet points as I realize how little sleep I will be getting tonight:
  • Standard Jeff questions
  • Nothing super important except pretty much every jury member confirms that they are voting for Christian for the win 
  • Christian stares down his competitors after the vote and plays his idol. Boss move. 
  • The jury again confirms he is crushing (and they are right) 

Gabby goes home after the correct idol play. Mike and Angelina's votes against Gabby win out over Christian's vote against Alison. Alison survives another tribal where she gets the 2nd most votes needed to send someone home. 7 left.

The "So smart they're dumb" episode title aptly applies to one of the people it was placed upon, but not the other. "Awkward" wins out over "only recently found confidence".

I'd give my analysis of the final 7 but it is time to go to bed. I will end this blog with 2 things (and more bullets):

  • The previews for next episode now have me worried about Christian actually getting voted out because they showed everyone else BUT him getting their name thrown out
    • Potential props to Mike for telling Nick TO HIS FACE that he has to go home next 
  • My DoW vote goes to:
    • Anyone that influenced Mike and his BF's interaction negatively
    • Carl's glare
    • But for the actual points, Angelina. Because. She. Sucks. 
I'm out. Viva Mexico. Thomas, kill the next blog post! 

***Reminder to Michal to double check the Dan idol play points and make sure they weren't double counted. ***