Friday, April 22, 2016

BBB 2: Episode 10

This was the most satisfying episode so far for the strategy & game-play. There have been a lot of bold plays lately which is nice to see. A lot of them made absolutely no sense (like getting rid of Debbie, dousing the fire with water, etc.) which diminished them somewhat. This last episode though showed bold moves that made sense - finally!!

The Teams:

Bagdrea "Beautiful Mind" - 81 points
  1. Caleb (6 pts)
  2. Tai (33 pts)
  3. Nick (38 pts)
  4. Joe (4 pts)
MoonBee "Dairy Kings" - 72 points
  1. Neal (23 pts)
  2. Julia (26 pts)
  3. Scot (14 pts)
  4. Aubry (9 pts)
Michal & Ben "Cock of the Walk" - 67 points
  1. Anna (9 pts)
  2. Jason (22 pts)
  3. Peter (9 pts)
  4. Debbie (27 pts)
Doug & Bri "She-Ra" - 22 points
  1. Liz (-2 pts)
  2. Jenny (-6 pts)
  3. Michele (22 pts)
  4. Cydney (8 pts)

Dreg: Alecia - 0 points

Power Rankings:

1. Beautiful Mind - Good job, Tai! Love the backstabbing & in particular the extremely awkward not-giving-Scot-the-idol stare-down between Jason, Tai & Scot. This team would benefit from losing Joe soon, though. He's slowly draining points from this team.

2. Dairy Kings - Scot's douchey self is gone, but Julia & Aubry are both capable of making final tribal. This is still a strong team.

3. Cock of the Walk - All we've got is Jason, but I hopefully his immunity win this last episode was enough to lock up not-last. We shall see!!

4. She-Ra - Cydney is this team's best hope, though Michele may end up coattail riding it to final tribal as well. I doubt it though...

Player Rankings:

  1. Tai
  2. Jason
  3. Aubry
  4. Cydney
  5. Julia
  6. Joe
  7. Michele

Douche of the Week:

Scot again - he was so pandering to Aubry at the beginning of the episode. So glad he got hosed in the end.


Bag said...

That was a great episode. I'm going to go with Tai for DoW. That was a pretty hardcore betrayal, even though it was a great play/Scot and Jason were going to oust Tai later. The betrayal was significantly softened by the fact it was Tai vs Scot instead of the other way around. It would have been pretty disappointing if Jason/Scot snubbed Tai in the same way.

Melissa said...

Oh my - that was SUCH a good episode (even though one of our players was voted off)! I cannot wait to see the fallout from that tribal! Amazing!

Scot for DoW. I'm not sad he's gone, just sad he didn't get us more points. He did however steal Jason's idol which is fantastic!

P.S. I <3 Tai.

Unknown said...

So if I knew Tai in real life, I would be very wary of him after watching this. He comes across as this sweet little guy--and I think he thinks of himself this way too--but he's really quite duplicitous. Good for a Survivor player; not someone I would want to do business with!

I think Scot deserves DoW.

Please explain how Joe "drains" points.

GnightMoon said...

Michele still in last behind Joe?! The hate!

Good point from Melissa - Scot left with Jason's idol! That sews up DoW for Scot, and likely buries Jason. He'll be the obvious target next week, but his status as an unliked douche and his ability to swing a vote might save him. Wouldn't be shocked if he goes to Final Tribal. Wouldn't be shocked if any go to Final Tribal actually. All bets are off from here.

Doug said...

What a baller Tai is!

Where did the week go? I was going to write more, but ran out of time with work stuff.

I vote Jason for DoW and can't wait for the fallout on tonight's episode.

Bag said...

I actually think Tai would be very trustworthy in real life. His duplicity in this game is not his true character and you can tell it makes him uncomfortable.