Monday, May 9, 2016

BBB 2: Episodes 11 & 12

Time is flying by, and so is this Survivor season. With only 5 players left, it feels like the finale should be next week, but previews made it seem like there are a least 2 episodes left, which is surprising.

I've missed a couple of episodes, so feel free to vote DoW for both episodes 11& 12. Plus, with a very big wedding coming up, I doubt everyone will have time to read this blog, so you have next week to vote too. (Is that a great wedding gift or what?) :)

Quick recap: Episode 11 was when Julia got voted out. There was a brief attempt at voting out Tai or at least flushing his idol, but in the end no one went for it. Episode 12 was when Tai used his extra vote to try & vote out Michele, but the way in which he approached this was so off-putting to the other players that the plan backfired even though he used it advantage of an extra vote to try & pull it off.

In regards to Jason's attempt at getting at Tai: I don't see why they didn't all go for it. Cydney & Michele had no need to "go against" their alliance on this. They could have all been on the same page & split votes. It seemed like Cydney was very open & forthcoming about this, but maybe Aubry's loyalty to Tai prevented it from happening. If so I think that was a big mistake because Tai is a huge threat to win this game. If it hadn't worked & he'd played his idol, no biggie. He'd be mad & probably wouldn't be a part of that alliance anymore, but the only person he'd have to turn to would be Jason & I don't think they'd work together.

Episode 12 was interesting because I feel like it showed Tai's character a bit more. Several people have been saying on this blog that he no longer seems like the sweet & innocent guy that he portrayed himself as at the beginning of the show. I think that proved true in this episode & probably will continue next episode. He came off pretty self-entitled at tribal council. Perhaps it's unfair to Tai, but I think he started the season as the hero & is now the villain, either in reality, in my own mind, or through careful manipulation of the footage by the producers.

I'm now cheering for Cydney to win the whole thing. I think she's got a fun & interesting personality for this game. She's not afraid to mix things up & run with her emotions, which I usually think is a bad thing. But somehow it really works for her & she always feels like she's in control of her own destiny.

The Teams:

MoonBee "Dairy Kings" - 86 points
  1. Neal (23 pts)
  2. Julia (40 pts)
  3. Scot (14 pts)
  4. Aubry (9 pts)
Michal & Ben "Cock of the Walk" - 83 points
  1. Anna (9 pts)
  2. Jason (38 pts)
  3. Peter (9 pts)
  4. Debbie (27 pts)
Bagdrea "Beautiful Mind" - 82 points
  1. Caleb (6 pts)
  2. Tai (35 pts)
  3. Nick (38 pts)
  4. Joe (3 pts)
Doug & Bri "She-Ra" - 40 points
  1. Liz (-2 pts)
  2. Jenny (-6 pts)
  3. Michele (32 pts)
  4. Cydney (16 pts)

Dreg: Alecia - 0 points

Power Rankings:

1. Beautiful Mind - With two players left & one of them being Tai, Bagdrea are the favorites to win this season. It's pretty close though & it really could (should?) come down to which team's player wins the season. It clearly won't be Joe - does this guy ever think beyond "what does Aubry want me to do?" So frustrating to see him do nothing all season! But even though he loses Beautiful Mind 1-2 points each episode due to challenge dreckitude, he's going to rake in a sizable pouch of jury points.

2. Dairy Kings - Aubry kind of annoys me. It feels like she has everything going for her - she's smart, competitive at challenges, and basically gets 2 votes at every tribal because of Joe - but she's not living up to her potential. Of course I'll be eating these words if she ends up winning, but I feel like getting rid of Jason, not going after Tai when they had the opportunity, and the Tai v. Cydney situation were all mishandled & opportunities lost. Still, this is not an intelligent group of players this season & it seems as though Aubry can afford to make a few mistakes & make final tribal.

3. She-Ra - Can it be? She-Ra, who lost their top 2 player in the 1st 3 episodes is suddenly contending! I'm a Cydney fan, but Michele is also starting to prove herself late in the game. They have a huge deficit to make up, but both women are capable of winning challenges, making final tribal, and ultimately winning. It's definitely closer than the score makes it appear.

4. Cock of the Walk - We are the first team to have lost all our players & despite our 40 point lead over She-Ra, they will make up at least 30 points even if their players only make the jury. Our team lived up to its name, and definitely proved to be far more cocky than strategic. Now it's just a question of if we're making the next level of the trophy, which I'm starting to hope we do. We've come up with some good ideas over here in Casa Greenberg....

Player Rankings:

  1. Tai
  2. Cydney
  3. Aubry
  4. Michele
  5. Joe

Douche of the Week:

I'm going to vote for Tai as DoW for both episodes. First for the weird half apology he gave Jason, and then for his off-putting attitude at the last tribal council.


Mark Pickett said...

Tai may still have an idol, but I think he's pissed off enough people that I don't think he is going to win. I understand what you're saying, Michal, about Aubry, but still, I think she is someone who might very well take it all. Sydney certainly has the bigger personality and is strategic, but besides a few mistakes, Aubry is playing a good game and is a little more in the "background" than S. because she isn't quite as assertive, at least of late. And she certainly has been smart enough to get two votes throughout the program without having to win a piece of paper that allowed her an extra vote just once.

For Dow, I'll go with Tai for one week, but have to go with Joe for the other - basically because of how obnoxious he was around the campfire during the reward "stay-at-home" time, and just because he is so useless all of the time. If you are clearly just so much extra baggage, what gives you the right to be bossy?

Bag said...

I think Tai has a good shot to win still. Yes he's angered some people, but he has also played well overall and I think people will respect that if he humbles himself a bit and acknowledges that he got out of line. However, I think Aubry has played the best game and ignoring the fact I'd lose this pool if she won, I am rooting for her. She was such a dreg in my mind early and has proven to be a strong, passionate player. I think she's done just enough in each of the Survivor categories where she could justify her strength to a jury but not be a target week to week. Tai for DoW due to hubris.

GnightMoon said...

I think Aubry has potential to dominate a Final Tribal vs. the likes of Tai and Joe with superior articulation. I also think Sydney could topple Tai. I wonder if Final Tribal could be a rare heads-up battle this season. Jason DoW for both weeks. It has been a season of weak characters, but it has still been compelling and unpredictable - as has the pool all season.

Michal Greenberg said...

I hope it's a final 2 too!