Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Survivor 29: Episode 10

With the holidays there was no time for a real blog, but expect more opinions & a longer blog to account for both this episode & tonight's episode soon. Point update is below.

Side Bets:
  • Reed ftw: Moon v. Ben at 100:1 odds (two bits)
  • Jeremy v. Keith ftw: Michal v. Moon ($20)
  • Missy v. Keith ftw: Ben v. Moon (one handle or bottle of wine $50 or less, 1 drink at Survivor dinner, and 5% of the next tournament they both play $1650 or less)
  • Jon v. Keith ftw: Ben v. Moon (see above)
  • Josh v. Jeremy ftw: Moon v. Ben

The Teams:

Michal & Ben "The Misfits": 75 points
  1. Josh (18 pts)
  2. Jeremy (29 pts)
  3. Missy (4 pts)
  4. Keith (24 pts)
Moon & Melissa "Queers & Foreigners": 38 points
  1. Reed (25 pts)
  2. Natalie (21 pts)
  3. Rocker (-6 pts)
  4. Julie (-2 pts)
Bag & Andrea "The Buffoons": 32 points
  1. Alec (13 pts)
  2. Drew (2 pts)
  3. Wes (23 pts)
  4. Val (-6 pts)
Doug & Bri "Daddy Issues": 31 points
  1. Baylor (10 pts)
  2. Jon (21 pts)
  3. Kelley (1 pt)
  4. Dale (-1 pt)
Dreg Tracker - Jaclyn: 4 points

Power Rankings:
  1. The Misfits
  2. Queers & Foreigners
  3. Daddy Issues
  4. The Buffoons

Douche of the Week

You have until next week's episode to vote for the DoW for both episode 10 & 11, but when you comment just please be clear about which episode you're referring to. My Ep 10 DoW vote goes to Keith for blowing it completely at tribal council, resulting in his own flesh & blood going home. 


Bag said...

keeeeithh for e10 dow

GnightMoon said...

Curious as to why Q&F vaulted DI in your power rankings. Although Natalie's stock is on the rise, I thought Reed took a hit this latest episode. Truthfully though, I have no idea where this season is going. Good stuff!

Default Alec DoW e10.

TheGraveWolf said...

It did seem like Keith cost himself an idol and a son. Keith is DoW.

Wolfy's Power Rankings




The Buffoon

I think it's closer between DI and QF but I still think the Four are in control. Natalie has more power now, potentially a lot more poker, with the only remaining immunity idol. It will be difficult for her to blindside the Four because Baylor knows about the idol.

Michal Greenberg said...

Q&F beat out DI because I think that Natalie is more in the driver's seat than Jon at this point. I think there's a big target on his back now & if Natalie sticks to what I think her game plan is (the all-women's alliance), she'll be in great shape. Reed's in more trouble than he was before, but sometimes you have to sacrifice a rook to save a queen. Whereas on DI's team it looks like their king is in danger while their pawn is going to skate by no problem.

Andrea Sanders said...

I stand by my man in his dOw selection.