Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blood v. Water: Episode 5

Congrats to the n00bs for their first win! Do you think it had anything to do with Brad being voted out the last episode? I do. I think they actually are feeling more like a team & that they all have to pull their weight now. Also helps that the challenge didn't involve a puzzle though!

Good duel too... or as we will be calling it from now on: mêlée. This mêlée was the long sought-after & hoped-for show-down between Candice and Brad. John happened to be there too, but he seems like too nice a guy to ever get mad at anyone, so there was no rivalry there. The results: not what Candice had hoped for, but probably a better result than Candice & Brad being left on RI together. And now RI is so beastly it's going to be hard for anyone to survive!

The Teams:

AhhhhFUCKthat: 46.5 pts
1. John (3 pts)
2. Laura B. (16 pts)
3. Candice (4.5 pts)
4. Gervase (18 pts)
5. Ciera (5 pts)

51st State: 42 pts
1. Aras (18 pts)
2. Rupert (0 pts)
3. Marissa (3 pts)
4. Caleb (5 pts)
5. Laura M. (16 pts)

MooMe: 38.5 pts

1. Vytas (5 pts)
2. Tyson (18 pts)
3. Monica (14 pts)
4. Brad (1.5 pts)
5. Rachel (0 pts)

Mind Under Matter: 38 points
1. Katie (5 pts)
2. Hayden (5 pts)
3. Colton (-2 pts)
4. Kat (14 pts)
5. Tina (16 pts)

- red = n00b tribe
- blue = returning tribe
- pink = on Redemption Island

Power Rankings:

Complete Dreckitude: ahhhhFUCKthat - still the worst in the land, especially with the new info that no one likes Laura B. & Candice going home. John may get back from RI, but even if he does it seems inevitable that he'll get voted out again almost immediately.

Repellant: 51st State - Doug & Bri are down to just 2 players in the game & their puzzle master on RI. Aras is being identified more & more as a threat... things are starting to look shaky in the 51st State.

Terrrrr: Mind Under Matter - May not be the smartest or strongest team in the game. But what they lack in skills they make up for in numbers. I am the only person left with 4 people in the game (not on RI), and Tina continues to impress. So far she's barely winning, but winning pretty much all the time. If she's doing that on purpose, my respect for her is through the roof!

Decent: MooMe - Still a decent team. I think that Aras' analysis of Monica is spot-on, and anyone left in the game without their loved one needs to start pitching themselves as a vote-for-sale ASAP. Tyson's playing a strong game, but I wouldn't be surprised if he votes Vytas out as soon as he gets the change.  

Douche of the Week:

Although definitely a humbler guy, gotta go with Brad for his awful pre-mêlée speech.


TheGraveWolf said...

DoW vote to Monica for burning the immunity clue twice.

If Aras and Vytas make it to the merge they are going to be very strong. I thought for sure they were going to make it but if the preview for next week means they are switching up the tribes who knows what will happen.

I'm enjoying this season and I think it's primarily because the immunity idol has not taken center stage as in the past couple seasons. Burn baby burn!

Bag said...

DoW for me is Laura M. for her extramarital back rub. Laura B. a close second for her super obvious self-saving ploy.

Bag said...

"Brad still for DoW, I don't like him."

- Andrea

Doug said...

People weren't very douchey this week. At least compared to previous weeks. I'll throw a vote to Brad. He's still pretty DoW deserving the way he bosses Monica around.

GnightMoon said...

DoW goes to Aras, who's playing a high-concept strategic game right along with his brother. Taking Laura M down after the backrubs was vicious.