Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Philippines: Episode 6

Sorry these keep coming in late. Once my life settles down (haha) I will be much more prompt! For now, here's a bare-bones post:

The Standings:Giant Bloody Brazilian Cola - Moon: 55 points
1. RC (13.5 pts)
2. Skupin (15.5 pts)
3. Jeff  (9.5 pts)
4. Abi-Maria (16.5 pts)

The Clap - Bag/Leah: 36.5 points
1. Pete (15.5 pts)
2. Carter (9.5 pts)
[3. Angie (0 pts)]
4. Lisa (11.5 pts)

Love Line: Old Balls & Tiaras - Doug/Bri: 32.5 points
1. Penner (9.5 pts)
2. Denise (2 pts)
3. Artis (15.5 pts)
[4. Katie (5.5 pts)]

I'm on Dregs! - Michal: 12 points
1. Malcolm (13 pts)
[2. Dana (-4.5 pts)]
[3. Dawson (3.5 pts)]
[4. Russell (0 pts)]

Power Rankings:

1. Love Line: Old Balls & Tiaras - Doug & Bri are lucky that Jeff made the right decision. If Red Team was up in numbers then I think getting rid of Penner. But since they are down in numbers they should keep him around. He can either be wily & steal over Yellow players, or he'll make an obvious target to vote out (if blindsided) giving Jeff & co a little more time to manuever.

2. Giant Bloody Brazilian Cola - Moon is still doing well but his team seems like it's on a self-destruct path. It will be really important for RC to convince Skupin to switch sides come merge time. Right now I think he's too clueless to realize that he's in serious danger. If RC can pull that off, then this team has a chance.

3. The Clap - Bag & Leah's team seems to be full of whiners right now! Lisa is actually doing incredibly well & being smart about laying low. Carter looks like he's about to vote himself out of the game, though, and Pete is all bark & no bite.

4. I'm on Dregs! - Malcolm is better at a catching game than a former pro baseball player. Looking on the bright side!

Douche of the Week:

I'm voting for Michael. Why would anyone eat uncooked rice? It almost seems like he's trying to get himself voted out!


Bag said...

Skupin DoW.

Doug said...

Both Bri and I are voting for Michael for DoW. Bad negotiator, didn't communicate with his team, and ate all the food. That deal was awful for yellow too!

GnightMoon said...

Best episode of the season so far. Skupin douche.
That catching challenge was epic - and yes, it was pretty impressive for Malcolm to beat a former professional baseball player at catching. Malcolm is the best player in this game but it doesn't look like he'll be enough for ya Pickle.