Friday, October 5, 2012

Philippines: The Draft & Episode 3

Wednesday was the Survivor draft followed by the third episode of Survivor: Philippines. There was some debate watching mixed in there too, but it didn't take much politicking before we were ready to watch a much more entertaining form of competition. That being said, the group generally agrees that the next presidential election should mimick the Survivor format more. Each candidate would be on a tribe & Americans could evaluate their effectiveness at getting along with others, being a good leader, etc. all while watching them starve & fend off the connivers on their own tribe. Wouldn't you want to watch that too?

Without knowing very much about many of this season's contestants, we all feel like the draft went well. None of us feel like we have a bad team... at least not yet! Only time & TV editing will reveal how good we are at analyzing cast videos, making inferences from the previous episodes, and following our gut.

The Rules:

We made very few rule changes - we only added a med-evac penalty, and then changed what the prize was for the winning team. This year we're bumping the monetary prize up to $15 per team & we're also adding a trophy! That's right, Survivor Pool now comes with memorabilia. Here's how it's scored:

Placement Points
Final Tribal Council: 20 + 5 pts per vote
Jury: 10

Challenge Points

Wins a team reward challenge: 2
Wins a team immunity challenge: 3
Wins an individual reward challenge: 4
Invited to share a reward challenge: 1
Wins individual immunity challenge: 6
Sits out a challenge: -2

Hidden Immunity Idol Points

Find the other tribe’s hidden immunity idol: 10
Find your tribe’s hidden immunity idol: 5
Plays hidden immunity idol at tribal council (success v. fail): 10/-5
If you play hidden immunity idol unncecessarily during the last tribal council you can play it: 0
If you don't play your immunity idol on the last day you can play it: -5
Plays a fake immunity idol: -10
Creator of fake immunity idol, if played: 5

Miscellaneous Points

Douche of the Week (overall player who wins the title the most): 10
Buy bad item at auction/don't buy an item at auction: -2
Buy good item at auction: 2
Having the fan favorite: 5
Quitters: -10
Med-evackers: -5
Cost to trade a player during the draft (charged to each team involved in the trade): -2

 The Teams:

Michal: 8 points
1. Malcolm (0 pts)

2. Dana (5 pts)
3. Dawson (3 pts)
4. Russell (0 pts)

Bag/Leah: 7 points
1. Pete (2 pts)
2. Carter (5 pts)
3. Angie (0 pts)
4. Lisa (0 pts)

Doug/Bri: 10 points
1. Penner (5 pts)
2. Denise (0 pts)

3. Artis (2 pts)
4. Katie (3 pts)

Moon: 14 points
1. RC (2 pts)
2. Skupin (2 pts)
3. Jeff  (5 pts)
4. Abi-Maria (5 pts)

A couple things:

1) We didn't think about the fact that 2 tribes kind of win, but only 1 gets the real win. As a compromise, I gave the top 2 tribes points for winning a reward, but only the top finisher the points for winning the challenge. That being said, the rule does state "winning immunity" so I didn't really follow the rules on this one. Please everyone voice your opinion on how we should deal with the 3-tribe-dilemma & I will adjust the points accordingly.

2) Please also tell me your team name! Team names are due by Wednesday, otherwise I will make a bad one up for you

3) Don't forget to vote for your Douche of the Week, aka best rule ever. My vote this week goes to Skupin for telling Artis not to dive in face-first or he'd break the mask & then doing that exact thing 2 seconds later. Slow clap for you, Skupin - keep up the douchey work!


TheGraveWolf said...

Uh oh... The Wednesday deadline is fast approaching and no one has submitted a team name. Getting excited for all the really bad names you keep threatening!

Doug said...

Bummed I couldn't be there for the draft. But I am really happy with the team that Bri got for us.

For the scoring, I'm fine with the way you have it laid out. The only other option I would propose would be to give the 1st winner tribe the full points for both, and the 2nd winner tribe only half the points. This would introduce 1/2 points, but might be a little more fair. I'm fine with either though, so let me know what you think.

Our team name is coming soon...

Doug said...

Oh, and my Douche of the Week vote goes to Abi-Maria for her rant to RC about their shaky alliance and her general bitchiness. She seems awful to be on a tribe with.

Bag said...

DoW goes to Abi.

Team name:
If you're happy and you know it, CLAP your hands (CLAP, CLAP). If you're happy and you know it, CLAP your hands (CLAP, CLAP). If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it. If you're happy and you know it, CLAP your hands (CLAP, CLAP).

Doug said...

We are going with team "Love Line: Old Balls & Tiaras".

GnightMoon said...

I like the way you rewarded the points, let's stick with that.

Douche of the Week: Abi-Maria (just a first-class Brazilian beeotch).

Team Name: Giant Bloody Brazilian Cola