Monday, October 30, 2017

Survivor 3H Club: Episode 5

Ugh, I can’t live update the scores because my computer isn’t getting internet and I left my phone at work. Boo.... And now it's days later and this post is going to look weirder than normal as a result. Sorry folks!

Joe “I swear I read your face” Douchebag is now claiming both genius status and huge poker playing potential. No one in this pool is buying it, and I’m not sure anyone in his camp is either. Except for Cole “I don’t know what I’m doing” Dumbass.

Ben’s PTSD brings out his softer side and it’s extremely moving to hear him talk about coming home after serving in the military. Thankfully I don’t know what it’s like to have people actively trying to kill me. But I do know what it’s like to live in the past, and I’d like to think that he might be able to talk about his woes to his tribemates someday.

Quick commercial break in which I learn that Uma Thurman is not only a good topic for a hit pop song, but is also now selling phones. Then we’re back to watch a worm-themed reward challenge for coffee. I used to be an exclusive tea drinker, but now I know I’d go full blast for that coffee.

-1 for Lauren & Chrissy for sitting out the challenge

Desi “I threw up in my mouth when you called me Joe’s husband” Crusher destroys the first leg of the challenge & there’s no stopping Blue after that. On the other hand, Ryan locks up LVP with his spot-on Sisyphus impression.

+2 pts for Blue for the win & +1 for Red for 2nd place.

Is anyone else excited for Murder on the Orient Express? I loved that book!!

Blue tribe revels in the glory of their win, and now I’m reflecting on the consensus opinion that my blog has become less analytical and more sarcastic. I like to think that I’m following Probst’s lead and I’ll start to revert to my old ways once this season proves itself worthy. There could be some potential here, but they have a lot of chaff to work through before we get to the quality strategy we’ve come to expect from this show.

Roark speaks!! But really awkwardly. Is it weird TV editing, or is that the way she always talks?

Chrissy & Ali are after each other. #ToldYaSo

Cole “Just Call Me WOAT” Feedbag is predictably pissing off Lauren, and as noted by Doug he’s dragging Jessica down with him. Fingers crossed she can get some distance from this train wreck in a nice-looking package. Then she goes on an idol hunt with Dr. Mike who finds it, begging the question, why didn’t Jessica also dig for the idol? Standing around drinking water doesn’t earn you an idol. It’s never truly “our idol” – it only ever belongs to one person.

+5 Dr Mike

Now it’s immunity challenge time and it’s

-1 to Ryan and Mike for sitting out

Desi is the female MVP of the challenge and I’m sad we didn’t draft her. Side note: she clearly did know about Joe’s idol last episode but needed to shame him into telling her so she could then propose that he use the idol for her. This means she’s hot, athletic, smart, and NOT married to Joe. Making her a prize catch.

+3 for Red & +2 for Blue

Chrissy is clearly the LVP on this challenge and the Yellow tribe is starting to look pretty sad after the Ryan & Chrissy double choke.

Roark is suddenly being pegged as a huge strategist. Who saw that coming? Was she ghostly only because this is her first tribal council? I love that she rips Chrissy for only talking to her on the day of tribal council. But also Roark might be enjoying owning Chrissy too much. Hubris is a bitch. Roark might be one too.

Chrissy is acting like she’s feeling the noose tightening around her neck. Her defensiveness doesn’t play well at least from an audience perspective.

Okay, so I just finished a long explanation of why it’s definitely Chrissy going home because if it was Roark then Ryan def would have filled in Ali on the plan and she wouldn’t have come down so hard on Chrissy at tribal if that were the case. But then Ryan proves me wrong & votes out Roark anyway. Bad move, imo. If Ryan’s tightest bonds are with Ali and Chrissy then he obv shouldn’t tell Chrissy if he’s going to vote for her. But since the other name on the chopping block is Roark and not Ali then he clearly SHOULD tell Ali if he’s switching his vote! He’s going to lose her trust and loyalty by not filling her in. And there’s no way she wouldn’t have switched over to his side if he had. She doesn’t have any other options. So Ryan just proved that he’s not as smart as he thinks he is. Or as smart as we all thought he was when he went top 2 in the draft. I guess that’s what we should expect from a bellhop?

Next episode: does the WOAT out-WOAT himself by getting medevacked?? C’mon Cole!!!

The Teams:
Moon & Melissa "2 Cups of Joe" - 56 points
  • Ryan (1 pts)
  • Cole (12 pts)
  • Joe (17 pts)
  • Joe (17 pts)
  • Ashley (9 pts)
Phil "Scrub Island Featuring Superscrub Roark" - 37 points
  • Mike (15 pts)
  • Chrissy (6 pts)
  • Roark (2 pts)
  • JP (7 pts)
  • Desi (7 pts)
Eric "Two Laurens Don't Make a Right" - 38 points
  • Ben (14 pts)
  • Lauren (8 pts)
  • JP (7 pts)
  • Lauren (8 pts)
  • Alan (1 pt)
Doug & Bri "Cowboys & Estrogen" - 38 points
  • Ben (14pts)
  • Ali (2 pts)
  • Chrissy (6 pts)
  • Desi (7 pts)
  • Ashley (9 pts)
Michal & Ben "The Candlestick Makers" - 31 points
  • Ryan (1 pts)
  • Cole (12 pts)
  • Devon (4 pts)
  • Jessica (12 pts)
  • Roark (2 pts)
Bagdrea "Surfing with Chick Hicks" - 34 points
  • Devon (4 pts)
  • Mike (15 pts)
  • Ali (2 pts)
  • Jessica (12 pts)
  • Alan (1 pt)

Power Rankings:
  1. Cowboys: I don't really see a weak point on this team. It's early, but I'm already worried.
  2. Surf Chicks: Does Bag have a good team this season? I think maybe so. I think a lot will depend on how Ali reacts to this last episode....
  3. Scrub Island: Mike got a big boost in my rankings after last episode, and Chrissy held up well under pressure. My new crush Desi is also on this team, so I'm suddenly liking Scrub Island. 
  4. Two Laurens: Lauren is settling in to a solid mid-level player. I'm not sold her yet, but I think she's proven to be less distasteful than some other players.
  5. Cuppa: Cuppa dropped in the rankings due to Ryan's misstep at the end there with Ali. This might be the dumbest team of the bunch, but there's still some potential here.
  6. Candlesticks: On the other hand, our team is dumb AND we don't have a lot of points. Uh oh...

Douche of the Week:

Cole for being a pig around camp.


Eric said...

We still aren't winning?

Can you spend another 1-3 hours on this and give power rankings for individual players? I need to know where Lauren is ranked.

DoW - Chrissy. When she gets booted off she needs to make personal growth a priority.

I could watch just about any show when it involves a fantasy draft and point scoring.

Bag said...

Eric - your last point is proven by the fact we participate in a Bachelor(ette) pool every season - a show that each time is the same plot, with the same characters, but portrayed by different actors/actresses - like a Murder Mystery up at the Gold Hill Inn. I am glad Survivor is more dynamic.

Cole DoW for being a gross man.

Doug said...

Cole for DoW. I had to fast forward through more of the spoon/finger licking than there should have been in the first place. Ugh.. (shoulder shudder). I agree with Lauren's disgusted face on that one 100%.

Chrissy is worrisome with her actions this week, but Desi is punching up! Hopefully she continues that dominance.

This episode felt like filler until the next episode. I'm guessing the potential med-evac preview is exactly what it always is. Nothing but mid-game heat exhaustion and lack of fuel. Some time in the shade and water will have Cole back to screwing over his alliance members in no-time, and the producers will all pat each other on the back.

Favorite part of this blog post - "Hubris is a bitch. Roark might be one too." lmao

Unknown said...

I am excited about Murder on the Orient Express. If it's still out at Christmas time and we haven't seen it let's make a movie date!

Phil said...

Roark... sigh. It really sucks when your #2 and #3 picks are the only options for elimination. Also, did I ever mention that "Scrub Island" is where my wife and I went for our honeymoon?

Phil said...

DoW Cole

GnightMoon said...

Cole DoW. Could be his last week winning that before he's med-evaced - or more likely, voted off for being an untrustworthy dolt.