Sunday, April 27, 2014

BBB: Episode 9

It's a tight race in the pool this season, and for once that race doesn't include Moon or Doug! It's too early to be counting chickens, but I'm optimistic that someone new will be adding to the trophy this season. Also, we're thinking we should start calling it an idol instead of a trophy from now on.

Another fabulous episode of intrigue, backstabbing, idol plays, and ever-shifting alliances. Ultimately I think Jefra made the right move sticking with her original alliance - switching to an alliance with few but likable players would have been a terrible idea, but she doesn't seem inclined to think things like that through on her own. I'm glad Trish & Kass talked some sense into her.

The idol finds, feints & plays were really exciting! It seems like Tony was destined to find the TP idol and I'm glad he found it when he did. Now he has a MASSIVE advantage. Showing it at tribal didn't make any sense, but Logic and Tony have never really had much to do with each before, so I don't see why that would change now.

Gnight to useless Jeremiah - even when he essentially found out from Jefra that he was going home he was extremely boring & non-proactive. You won't be missed since you contributed nothing to the game. 

Current Standings:

Sinkers and Floaters: 67 points
1. Sarah (19 points)
2. Morgan (13 points)
3. Tasha (18 points)
4. Spencer (17 points)

J'Tude: 48 points
1. Tony (18 points)
2. Kass (4 points)
3. Jeremiah (23 points)
4. J'Tia (3 points)

__: 42 points
1. LJ (23 points)
2. Trish (13 points)
3. Cliff (10 points)
4. Lindsey (-4 points)

WooBrr: 34 points
1. Woo (19 points)
2. Brice (0 points)
3. Alexis (2 points)
4. Jefra (13 points)

Power Rankings:

1. J'Tude - Huge episode for J'Tude. If we were going to lose someone, Jeremiah was our best case scenario. Add to that Tony's idol find & Spencer's idol misplay & things really couldn't have gone better for this team. 

2. Sinkers & Floaters - Spencer & Tasha both would probably win if they made it to final tribal, and Spencer is a huge strategic & mental threat. Tony only needs the tiniest of nudges to opt for backstabbing over stable plays & Spencer seems prepared to push him in that direction. Tony would be a fool to ally himself with such a threat, and take someone who has stated that he'd vote for him if he made final tribal, but again, Tony is easily influenced. Spencer is clever to target him. 

3. WooBrr - Jefra sticking with the majority alliance keeps a sliver of hope alive for WooBrr. Now there's a chance that she and/or Woo could make final tribal & earn them some points. Woo is going to need to start producing in challenges big-time though to make up the point gap.  

4. __ - Could Trish make final tribal? I kind of doubt it. She's done enough strategizing & overall game-play to be a bad choice to take in the "coattail rider" capacity, and she isn't in control of the game enough to take herself there. Losing LJ was a huge hit to her power & influence & I don't think she'll be able to bounce back from that. 


Tony for his useless idol feint at tribal. That can only have negative consequences & clearly was his childish response to Spencer saying he had nothing in his bag of tricks.  


Andrea said...

DoW - Tony, what kind of lousy cop are you?

GnightMoon said...

I think Tony was able to play that idol off as a fake. I don't think anyone will walk away believing he has an idol, let alone one with special powers. I don't see how Tony can lose this game, unless he gets voted out with four left or goes to the Finals with Spencer. Very impressive game.

Spencer's journey to the endgame has been the most difficult in recent Survivor history. How many hardships does this guy have to overcome? He's spent the entire game as a visible target on the minority alliance, yet has escaped the noose every time - and somehow still possesses an idol as well!

These guys are clearly two of the great players in Survivor history and should be expected back in future seasons. Their jousting down the stretch should bring a crescendo to what has been a first-rate season.

DoW: Kass by default

Bag said...

DoW Kass

TheGraveWolf said...

DoW = Tony. Jefra was a close 2nd for her emotional flip flopping.

Moon: Spencer no longer has an idol...

I don't think anyone realized Tony had pulled the real idol out of his 'bag of tricks'. Did he? It looked like a piece of bark to me.

GnightMoon said...

DoW: Moon for instantly forgetting Spencer played his idol, then talking him up as one of Survivor's greatest players when he may be permanently removed from the show by the next episode.

Doug said...

I'll go Tony for DoW.

I see no benefit of pretending to have a fake or real idol while holding the TP idol. Doesn't make sense to me.

Tony is looking good to get to the final, but if anyone can push the limits, it's him. I don't picture him sitting back and relaxing anytime soon, which could still possibly lead to his demise.

Jefra was pretty pathetic with her pretend flop. Maybe it will help with continued talk of ousting Tony, but I doubt it.