This season is certainly keeping the show exciting & the game close! One good or bad episode could sink a team or keep it afloat.
Current Standings:
Sinkers and Floaters: 54 points
3. Tasha (4 points)
4. Spencer (18 points)
__: 32 points
1. LJ (13 points)
2. Trish (13 points)
WooBrr: 32 points
1. Woo (19 points)
4. Jefra (11 points)
J'Tude: 22 points
1. Tony (6 points)
2. Kass (4 points)
3. Jeremiah (9 points)
Power Rankings:
1. J'Tude - Thank goodness Tony didn't go home! Looking back now, it was seriously unlikely that he'd get voted out since Kass switching would have just made things even at the vote and no one want to draw rocks. At the time, though, i was really worried. Now, however, the alliances are divided 6-3 and the majority alliance will likely start talking about splitting their votes. This is when a Kass flip can be most effective and take out a huge threat. Long-term, would it be a good move? Only if she can sell the "I'm a free agent" line really well.
2. __ - Ben noted that LJ isn't getting as much air time as one would expect from such a dominant player. Perhaps he's trying to lay low, but his level of TV time might be an indication that he lays too low to be able to save himself or make big moves when the time comes. Still, lots of potential on this team with Trish & LJ both proving to be influential when it comes to strategy.
3. Sinkers & Floaters - Leo jumped on my computer last night so that he could leave his opinion about this team: ΩΩΩ. Well said, Leo. AndBag got some much-needed point boosting from Spencer this last episode. They lost Morgan who was no point earner, but potentially could have been taken to the finals because of her uselessness, stupidity and terrible personality. More worrying is that Tasha is starting to be mentioned as a potential threat. Still, if Spencer plays it right, he could use his newfound idol to win AndBag some points & hold this team together. Sinkers have lost players, but gained potential this week.
4. WooBrr - Woo started this episode by seeming to be smart when he figured out that someone probably got a hidden idol clue at the reward challenge. Sadly he handled the discovery of the hidden idol clue with as much grace as Richey playing volleyball. Spencer's oversight of FORGETTING HIS PANTS somehow turned into "Woo stole my clue and threw my pants in the water." Woo should have been able to manage his PR much more effectively.
I just can't get over the fact that Spencer forgot both his pants & his idol clue. Especially coming from someone who should be one of the smartest guys left in the game, I am giving him my DOW vote this week.
Agreed that LJ isn't getting the screen time we'd expect from a winner, but who is? Tony? Spencer?
No douches accentuated themselves this week so I'm just going to roll Kass over from last week. She's been the default since Garrett and J'Tia were sent packing.
Definitely a good point episode for Spencer (and Sinkers and Floaters). Will Spencer's idol (or potential idol, since they don't know he has it) ultimately give the dominant alliance a reason to vote Spencer next tribal? MY guess is they will be worried he has it and try to at least flush it out.
My DoW also goes to Spencer this week. He came down so hard on Kass after her flip and forgot that, "Oh, I might need some vote flippers moving forward now that we are down on numbers". By the time he realized he might need Kass' help he had already pushed her too far away.
Kass actually seemed to consider Spencer's flip proposal' at least a lot more more than I expected. But she ultimately made the right choice.
I also think Spencer should get DoW for his idiot idol clue/pants debacle and then running back to his tribe and saying that the idol clue, that he didn't share with them, was stolen and they should come look for it with him. Pretty shady that he only let them know about the clue when he needed their immediate help to find it.
An exciting episode for the fantasy pool. Floaters lost their buoyant dead weight but gained a ton of points from Spencer the douche of the week.
His opinionated berating of Kass(the anti DoW imo), went too far in front of the other players. His game got thrown for a loop and he threw a tantrum and used a young man's flawed logic in a poorly disguised attempt to justify it. Vintage douchebaggery. Follow that up with a self de-pantsing and immunity clue bungle and I'm wondering what else needed to happen for Spencer to accentuate himself as the obvious DoW.
Spencer's youth is an acceptable excuse for his (generally restrained) hubris. Kass does not have the same excuse. While Spencer's charisma is middling, his personality is infinitely more appealing than Kass's.
Hahaha -> bungle....
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