Thursday, September 29, 2011

South Pacific: Episode 3

Not enough time to post a deep analysis, sorry! But here are the rankings, and a quick summary of my thoughts: 

- Brandon = YIKESSSS!
- Please blindside Ozzy soon, that'd be awesome
- Papa Bear's running form is one of the worst I've ever seen

The Standings

Team Top 3: Moon - 32 pts
1. Ozzy (17 pts)
2. Sophie (8 pts)
3. Jim (7 pts)

Team Baseball, Belts & Bibles: Doug/Bri - 23 pts
1. Albert (8 pts)
2. Rick (8 pts)
3. Dawn (7 pts)

Team ICRWYTNISTB: Dachui - 23 pts
1. Keith (7 pts)
2. Brandon (8 pts)
3. Stacey (8 pts)

Team Dungeons & Dragons: Me - 22 pts
1. John (7 pts)
2. Elyse (7 pts)
3. Coach (8 pts)

Team Hide Yer Kids, Hide Yer Wife: Bag - 20 pts 
1. Mikayla (8 pts)
2. Christine (6 pts)
3. Edna (6 pt) 
Team Country Bears: Courtney - 16 pts
1. Mark (7 pts)
2. Whitney (7 pts)
[3. Semhar (2 pts)]

Power Rankings
1. Top 3 – Sophie is growing on me, and I hope that she manuevers Brandon out of the game. It'd be a good move for her. In the war of the Savaii Alpha Male, the score remains Jim: 1, Ozzy: 1.

2. Dungeons & Dragons – Cochran needs to keep dodging these bullets! Man, I could use a Savaii victory next week pretty desperately. Happily my other 2 ponies seem to be out of harm's way. And Coach is still looking solidado.

3. Baseball, Belts & Bibles – Again, this team seems to lack a stand-out player. Since nothing's really happened with them I didn't feel like they should move down in the power rankings, but I think that Bag's Mikayla & Dachui's Keith both have better chances of a deep run than Albert, Rick, or Dawn.
4. Hide Yer Kids, Hide Yer Wife – Bag's team isn't out of the woods yet, but I think that Mikayla's in a better position now than she was before. Brandon is a lunatic, and the more he reveals it the more it helps Mikayla's cause. Plus, with the change in rules, having a player on RI isn't as bad as it was before, so Christine can still be a moderate point producer.

5. ICRWYTNISTB – Brandon and Stacey are still in bad spots, but Keith made some good moves last nights, so I'd say that Dachui's team is looking up! Fingers crossed that he'll make a move against Ozzy sooner rather than later - it seems like the longer they wait the harder it becomes for the tribe to pull the trigger.
6. Country Bears – With Semhar gone & Papa Bear heading towards his "slow death" Courtney's team's in some serious trouble. I'm going to miss Papa Bear! I hope he wins at least a few RI challenges so we can keep watching him.


Bag said...

You forgot about Edna! Laying low and doing well in challenges. No one has a prob with Edna. GOrbag!

Margot said...

Can you imagine Papa Bear chasing a perp in NYC? It seems the only way he'd catch a guy is that he'd fall down laughing at the cop.

Doug said...

C'mon Ozzy Blindside!