Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bronco's QB

I made a bet with Bag that Tim Tebow would be "successful" with the Broncos within 3 years of being drafted. This is the start of year 2. Things weren't looking so hot for me, but last night's game gave me hope, as I wasn't alone in chanting "Tebow! Tebow! TEBOW! TEBOW!"

GL me :)


81Trucolors said...

What indicates success?
# of starts?
years on the team?
jersey sales?

As a Bronco fan I don't know whether to root for you or against you.

Michal Greenberg said...

Success will be determined by a panel of judges: Paul, Tom, and Ben. But if it was based on jersey sales I would've crushed by now!

After Tebow's starts last season I tried to claim victory, but the judges shot me down.

Bag said...

I may be the only person in Colorado rooting for Orton.

Michal Greenberg said...

Lol!! Btw, did we have something worked out for if he was traded? I thought that was a push, but I wanted to make sure you thought the same thing.

Bag said...

I can't remember, we'll have to ask the judges. That makes sense on one hand, but on the other I don't know why I would have taken that bet. It seems pretty unlikely a guy stays around in an organization for three years without doing anything - which is what would have to happen for me to win. I'm willing to accept what the judges remember though.