Yay! It's that time of year again, when I clean the dust off this blog, and start making judgments on others based on little to no information.
In Phillip's case I think we have more than enough information (talking over people, claiming he can read people when he cleary cannot, his fuscia underwear) to determine that the man is a loon. But a really exciting loon! Maybe the next Coach? I hope he sticks around for a while, not just because he's my pick, but because I love how much he can piss off the other players.
Overall I'm super excited for this season. Last season was a HUGE let down, and I hope that this season will redeem the series. Already I think that the twists for the show & the contestants on the show are a vast improvement! Something else that's also been improved since last season is...
The Rules
Our rules get more refined every season, and this one is no exception. Because we now have so many different ways to earn/lose points, I've split the ways in which players can earn points into different categories:
Placement Points
1st Place: 45 (+15 for sweep)
2nd Place: 30
3rd Place: 20 (+10 if makes jury)
Jury: 10
Challenge Points
Win team reward challenge: 2
Win team immunity challenge: 3
Win individual reward challenge: 4
Win individual immunity challenge: 6
Invited to share reward challenge: 1
Sit out a challenge: -2
Hidden Immunity Idol Points
Find the hidden immunity idol: 10
Play hidden immunity idol (success v. fail): 10/-5
If you play hidden immunity idol unsuccessfully during the last tribal council you can play it: 0
If you don't play your immunity idol on the last day you can play it (whether necessary or not): -5
Plays a fake immunity idol: -10
Creator of fake immunity idol, if played: 5
Redemption Island Points
Win battle on Redemption Island: 1
Get back on the tribe from Redemption Island: 3
Miscellaneous Points
Buy bad item at auction/don't buy an item at auction: -2
Buy good item at auction: 2
Fan Favorite: 5
Quitters: -10
The Picks
Team Evil Crushell: Courtney - 15 pts
1. Evil Russell (5 pts)
2. Sarita (5 pts)
3. Julie (5 pts)
Team Haterz Gonna Hate: Bag - 15 pts
1. Francesca (0 pts) (on Redemption Island)
2. Kristina (10 pts)
3. Steve (5 pts)
Team ??: Moon - 10 pts
1. Boston Rob (0 pts)
2. David (5 pts)
3. Krista (5 pts)
Team Fabioesque: Dachui - 10 pts
1. Mike (5 pts)
2. Matt (0 pts)
3. Stephanie (5 pts)
Team ??: Doug/Bri - 5 pts
1. Grant (0 pts)
2. Rooster (5 pts)
3. Andrea (0 pts)
Team Brief(s): Me - 0 pts
1. Phillip (0 pts)
2. Ashley (0 pts)
3. Natalie (0 pts)
Power Rankings
Other Peoples' Power Rankings
I took a poll before watching the first episode to see who everyone thought had the strongest and weakest teams. Although varied and biased (some people chose themselves, others thought they couldn't choose themselves, some people voted Moon's as the worst for tradition, etc.) the general feel was that Dachui had the best team, and Courtney had the worst. After the first episode, though, I think everyone agrees that Bag & I are the bottom-dwellers this season.
The Real Power Rankings =)
1. Team Fabioesque - Dachui is coming on strong after their first win. No Superbowl Slump for them! I like they're team because it's really dynamic. They have Mike (the #1 pick overall), who seemed both determined and capable of bringing down Evil Russell. They have Stephanie, who is in Evil Russell's alliance & will likely get far if Evil Russell wins the war of Mike v. Russ.
2. Team Moon - I really like Moon's team. Again, it has a nice diversity in its players, and I don't think losing any 1 of these people would ruin his chances of winning, which is really huge. Boston Rob is a canny player, and I think he'll do really well, despite the disadvantage of being an easy target for the other players.
3. Team Evil Crushell - Courtney bet it all on Evil Russell, and if you're going to gamble with any of these players, he's the best one to do it with. All her players are on Russell's team, and if Russell does well I think Courtney will start to take a huge lead over the rest of us. It all depends on him though, and things could go downhill really fast.
4. Team Doug/Bri - I think Grant could be a contender, but will his strength work against him? He could easily be eliminated shortly after the merge just for his size alone. Rooster seems like a nice guy, but I honestly don't see him lasting too long. Really, most of Doug/Bri's team is still unknown, so we'll just have to wait and see!
5. Team Haterz Gonna Hate - Bag's team is suffering from association with my team. On the plus side, while one of his players was voted out this week, she didn't REALLY get voted out. Francesca has a chance to come back. (If she does I hope they give her immunity or something for the first week back, otherwise I'm afraid they'll just send her right back to the Island.) And I think Francesca is crafty enough that she might do well if she's allowed back in. Kristina is pretty screwed, but I love that she held on to her immunity idol. Nice move.
6. Team Brief(s) - My team is a laughingstock, and I'm not going to kid myself about it: I don't have a chance this season. But I'm happy to serve as the comic relief for a season, especially one that looks to be quite entertaining! I went into this season with a very specific game plan: get Evil Russ if I could, but not anyone else from his tribe. Russell has a knack for taking out his own, and I thought it was in my best interest to avoid him if possible. So far this plan looks dumb. As does choosing Phillip in the first round.
Friday, February 18, 2011
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hmmm, not sure why y'all think i have the worst team, and why you think i "bet it all on russell", cause i think my two older ladies have a decent shot of getting far, and.....not sitting out challenges.
to be honest, i think russell's biggest threat is david, not mike. i wasnt sure which of those two i would want to pick, cause i feel like they may single each other out in the future (although russell prob has it out for all the males on his team!). however, if russell does get kicked off, i think he may have a good shot of coming back via redemption island battle.
regardless of what y'all think, i'll let the standings (both NOW and in the future) prove my team's brilliance :)
Team Evil Crushell crushes all jealous haters.
that sounds almost like a haiku or something :)
I will also let the standings speak for themselves. I'm feeling very, very good about this team.
Have you seen this?
Amazing. This could be incredible.
I hope the back and forth between Rooster and Russell for this week is actually something and not just creative preview editing. That guy looks like a character, and battling it out with Russell will hopefully be hilarious.
Still lookin for a team name after ep 2.
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