Sunday, March 20, 2016

BBB 2: Episode 5

After the drama of last week this episode felt mundane. The tribal switch-up was fairly balanced between the tribes & no one bothered to think any further than "I'm sticking with my initial group, who else can we bring on board?" How about some back-stabbing people!?! Especially against Peter, can't believe that both he & Aubry/Joe are okay staying aligned. If I was Aubry/Joe I wouldn't trust Peter one bit & would have targeted him first. And if I was Peter I would have been so thrilled to be able to jump ship & join up with some other castaways.

The Teams:

Bagdrea "Beautiful Mind" - 45 points
  1. Caleb (6 pts)
  2. Tai (17 pts)
  3. Nick (16 pts)
  4. Joe (6 pts)
Michal & Ben "Cock of the Walk" - 38 points
  1. Anna (9 pts)
  2. Jason (11 pts)
  3. Peter (8 pts)
  4. Debbie (10 pts)
MoonBee "Dairy Kings" - 36 points
  1. Neal (15 pts)
  2. Julia (11 pts)
  3. Scot (3 pts)
  4. Aubry (7 pts)
Doug & Bri "She-Ra" - 13 points
  1. Liz (-2 pts)
  2. Jenny (-6 pts)
  3. Michele (15 pts)
  4. Cydney (6 pts)

Dreg: Alecia - 0 points

Power Rankings:

1. Dairy Kings: MoonBee is the only team left with their first pick still in the game AND he just found an idol. The bad news is that Julia is probably next on the chopping block. The good news is that Scot is looking like he's in it for the long haul & Aubry is safe for now.

2. Cock of the Walk: Peter continues to anti-impress, but Jason & Debbie both seem like players. Losing Anna rather than Peter was a big hit.  And while I get that Tai decided to hold on to the idol in order save it to save himself, I'm not sure it was the right move. He & Scot are now playing in survival mode instead of being in a dominating position in their new tribe.

3. Beautiful Mind: I don't think that either Joe or Nick are strong players, but Tai is doing great! His heartbreak over losing Caleb is quickly fading as he rebounds with his new bromance partner, Scot. He was obviously the bigger threat over Anna because he works harder around camp & is so damn likable - the fact that the other players can't see that only proves how much of a threat he is. I'm cheering for him for sure!

4. She-Ra: Cydney's position in this game seems to have improved with the tribal switch-up, but Michele is in trouble. Her primary alliance is now with The Robot, which doesn't bode well for her. Hopefully Cyd & Debbie stay strong together though, that could be a powerful odd couple.

Douche of the Week:
As Gordon Ramsey would say, "Peter all day!"


Mark Pickett said...

It's really hard to see someone else breaking Peter's hold on DoW. He just can't help himself!

Bag said...

I thought Debbie was drawing DEAD but she is having a nice game so far given her personality. Peter for DoW.

Doug said...

I'm late on the comment. But I didn't wath tonights episode yet.

Peter for arrogant DoW who doesn't learn from a single past experience. Dude, seriously...

I'm impressed with Cydney's game so far. So you're saying there's a chance!

Additional Debbie-isms:

- She lives vicariously through herself -

- Mosquitos refuse to bite her, purely out of respect -

- Her business card simply says "I'll call you" -

Doug said...

*** didn't watch tonight's episode

TheGraveWolf said...

Sweet Pete for DoW.

My favorite Deb-ism is the rattlesnake one.

GnightMoon said...

I am still a week behind. Having just watched this episode I am even more surprised than the week before on your rating of your own team. Last week I said I would have bet our team against yours. Then Anna was voted out making it clear-cut. This week I would gleefully take Beautiful Mind vs your squad. I will see if the next episode changes that sentiment.