The two hour episode (or two 1-hour episodes back to back) started as most would expect. The No Collar tribe had a kumbaya moment after voting out their negative Nina and vowed to stay 4-strong moving forward. Will pretended that he was on board, but ultimately knew the tribe would only keep him around up until they had to cast another vote. The reward challenge dealt out a good amount of negative pool points due to sit-outs needed for the lopsided tribes. No Collar finally avoided a loss, while also earning themselves some camp chickens, after conquering an obstacle course. Kelly proved to be quite the badass in the Blue Collar loss after suffering a fairly significant head wound and choosing to continue. She definitely earned some credit with all the tribes. This badassery did not earn any points for Moon & Melissa though.
Back at their respective camps, Jenn used her vegetarian/vegan preferences to her advantage and took some alone time to find the immunity idol while abstaining from killing a meal. Quite the benefit for Jennicide. Rodney proved to be a sexist imbecile and set the Blue Collar Tribe up for a significant vote decision.
A close immunity challenge left Blue at tribal where Lindsey couldn't convince the tribe to get rid of 'roided Rodney and Blue Collar showed their majority alliance of the boys and Kelly. Sierra wasn't amused. Dan and Rodney immediately attacked Sierra back at camp, instead of trying to win back her favor, showing a severe lack of Survivor skill. Mike called them out on this, showing there might be more to him than I had given him credit for.
This development immediately bit Blue Collar in the ass when Jeff revealed a buff swap at the next reward challenge pairing them all down to just two tribes. 2 very lopsided tribes. New Blue tribe is Dan, Sierra, Mike, Rodney, Tyler, Joe, and Joaquin. New Red is Will, Jenn, Hali, Shirin, Max, Kelly, and Carolyn. This is the Harlem Globetrotters vs. the Washington Generals. The new Red tribe put up an effort against the formidable Blue tribe, but it was over fairly easily and Blue reaped the rewards of the day along with all the rewards previously won by white collar (which were significant).
Blue Tribe's athleticism and Dan's sniper rifle of a ball swing easily crushed the far fetched dreams of the doomed Red tribe in the following immunity challenge, sending Red on a date with Jeff. The wart footed Max and an overly annoying Shirin schemed their way to what they thought was a safe spot. They were so sure of it it was actually quite humorous watching them talk about being "students of the game" over and over. Carolyn made Kelly's swing vote an easy decision when she jumped ship from the former White Collar alliance. The look on Shirin's face said it all when she was left re-calculating how her and Max's flawless strategy had failed.
Meanwhile Blue team looks to be setting up a Sierra tug of war -> if they ever lose. Which isn't likely. Are they dumb enough to throw a challenge?
The Teams and Points:
(Parentheses indicate order players were picked)
*Thanks to Ben for helping calculate the spreadsheet this week.
AndBag: "Maximillion" - 17 points
- [Max (2) - 3 pts] - out 3rd
- Carolyn (7) - 6 pts
- [Lindsey (10) - (-1) pts] - out 2nd
- Mike (15) - 9 pts
- Shirin (4) - 5 pts
- Jenn (5) - 10 pts
- Joaquin (11) - 11 pts
- Dan (14) - 9 pts
- Joe (1) - 10 pts
- Kelly (8) - 5 pts
- Will (12) - 5 pts
- Sierra (13) - 10 pts
- Tyler (3) - 10 pts
- Hali (6) - 5 pts
- Rodney (9) - 9 pts
- [Nina (16) - -5 pts] out 1st
Doug's Power Rankings:
- Jennicide - Shirin is likely next out, but Jenn with an idol and 2 on Blue should have this team earning some points over the next couple episodes.
- Moon & Melissa - All 4 players seem to be decent position for the nest couple votes. I see Will potentially going after Shirin, but with Joe and Sierra earning them challenge points, they should keep their 2nd place spot for a while.
- Jacked for a Reason - None of our players are likely going anywhere for a while, but we have some ground to make up.
- Maximillion - Tough double episode for this team. None of us saw it coming in quite this capacity, but Max found this team and delivered right on par with most of AndBag's other number one picks. They still have a crafty Carolyn (with an idol) and I think Mike's stock is rising. Definitely not out of it yet.
Douche of the Week:
Shirin proved herself my DoW throughout the 2 hours by constantly pissing everyone around her off except Max. She gets my vote.
... and apparently my blogger blog newb-ness is immediately present by the weird highlighting. Michal, I can't get into your older posts to copy the right highlight color. Any chance you can assist?
Good blog, Doug! I vote Rodney for DoW... For obvious reasons. (Sorry if this comment showed up twice)
I made the highlighting worse before going into the html code & deleting it out. There is some weird coding in there!
DOW is Rodney. As Melissa said, it's pretty obvious why.
Excellent blogging Doug! Hard to believe that with Shirin as an early round pick we're still considered a threat in the pool, but Jenn is looking like a real badass.
Mike is definitely a better player than I gave him credit for too -- glad he's on AndBag's team where this gem of a dreg pick probably won't turn into a game-changer.
I think that Moon & Melissa's team is probably the frontrunner right now, but I'd love to see Will get voted off the red tribe next just to have an all-women's alliance going. Haven't seen that in a while!
Shirin was just so nutty that I almost forgot how big of a DB Rodney was in part 1 of the episode. He gets my vote for DoW. If we are voting by each episode then I vote Rodney for episode 4 and Shirin for episode 5. Max is also a douche but I kind of enjoyed his Survivor stats. I thought it was pretty tool-y that he called Jeff Probst "bro" when he pretended to have an idol (also quite tool-y).
I think we are all going to be kicking ourselves for not taking Mike when we had the chance. He's setting up for a deep run.
Thanks for fixing the highlighting, Michal.
Let's just vote for one Dow combined for episodes 4 and 5. Rodney is in the lead.
Once again, our team name is "Livin' On A Prayer".
Rodney DoW - and a lead contender for the overall title.
Solid blog Doug - I enjoyed your color commentary recap.
Thomas, your team name will be updated by next blog. Sorry about missing that one.
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