Thursday, October 16, 2014

Survivor 29: Episode 4

What an episode! I mean really, this is what we watch the show for, right? Scheming, chaos, seriously idiotic plays & people... this is Survivor at its best. I have several comments & opinions on this episode but I also highly recommend this article for some excellent insight & hilarity:

Throughout the entire episode I wanted to throttle Drew, he was SO stupid & SO cocky & SO annoying. But he was also fascinating - I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to live in the universe that he's created for himself. Things must be pleasant in a world where you are king of everything & smarter than everyone - it must be so much better than living in the actual world where you are the exact opposite kind of human being.

In the end it was extremely satisfying to watch him get voted out. Really, he accomplished exactly what he set out to do, which was to eliminate the snakes from the blue tribe. 

The upcoming tribe mix-up is pretty vexing to me, especially after all the excitement of the last few episodes. I want to see the long-term effects of the two most recent votes & how the tribes as they stand now deal with the fall-out & new dynamics! Would the women on the blue tribe take over the game? Would Jon finally pull his head out of his ass? Would the yellow tribe use this victory as the momentum they need to string together a few victories? I guess we'll never know, which is a real shame. 

The Teams:  

Ben & Michal "The Misfits": 21 points 

  1. Josh (3 pts)
  2. Jeremy (4 pts)
  3. Missy (6 pts)
  4. Keith (8 pts)
Doug & Bri "Daddy Issues": 13 points 
  1. Baylor (3 pts)
  2. Jon (5 pts)
  3. Kelley (4 pts)
  4. Dale (1 pts)
Moon & Melissa "Queers & Foreigners": 11 points 
  1. Reed (6 pts)
  2. Natalie (6 pts)
  3. Rocker (-6 pts)
  4. Julie (5 pts)
Bag & Andrea "The Buffoons": 3 points
  1. Alec (3 pts)
  2. Drew (2 pts)
  3. Wes (4 pts)
  4. Val (-6 pts)

Dreg Tracker: 2 points
I've started tracking the points Jaclyn would have earned had she been selected to a team. I honestly don't think she would have earned any points before this episode, so this is easy to start tracking now. If you think I'm wrong, though, please let me know! Do you remember her ever sitting out a challenge, perhaps?
Power Rankings:

1. The Misfits - Keith's shenanigans in this episode are enough to get him demoted to the Buffoons. Not only is he an inept clue-reader & idol-hunter, he also has no understanding of how the game of Survivor works. He had one ally (that we know about) and the first chance he gets he threw him under the bus. On the plus side he managed to find the idol... eventually, but I'm not sure he'll have the wherewithal to know if/when he needs to use it. Jeremy & Missy seem to be in good shape for now, but who really knows how things will shake out with the tribe switcheroo. Hopefully Keith & Jeremy will end up on separate tribes, though.

2. Daddy Issues - Baylor didn't come off all that great this episode - anyone who lets themselves get pushed around by a Christy brother loses a lot of respect with me. Plus she tried to insult Alec by calling him a woman which was actually a complement to Alec & a huge insult to women. Jon may also have issues now that his best buddy is gone, but again who can say with the changes on the horizon? Kelley & Dale may both come out for the better, though. Tribe changes are bound to draw attention to higher profile players & these two should be able to fly under the radar.

3. Queers & Foreigners - Reed is still largely absent from all scheming & TV time - time to get worried Moon & Melissa! I really like Natalie & the game she's playing but I can see how her mouth could get her in trouble further down the road - hopefully she ends up on a team with a bunch of allies. Julie will most likely benefit from the tribe mix-up. Her position in the blue tribe was improving but still a little shaky. Now she could play the role of critical swing vote & move herself up a few spots on the totem pole. Or, she could stay true to her current tribe when they need her most & again move up on the totem pole. 

4. The Buffoons - It's just too easy to make fun of this team! OF COURSE Drew was on the Buffoons' team - he actually nominated himself as their coach, captain, manager, starting quarterback, star receiver, and mascot. His stunning leadership skills will probably take this team to having one of the earliest exits, and lowest scores, in survivor pool history. Perhaps Wes will be able to salvage a little dignity for Bag & Andrea, but I have no hope that someone in any way related to Drew will have a positive impact for this team.

Douche of the Week:

I'd like to vote for the enormous bug that crawled up Keith's shoulder during tribal council & horrified me so much I had nightmares about it last night. But alas, that cicada isn't an actual contestant on the show. Although it probably could think circles around Drew. So, Drew "I'm the leader because I say things no one else is stupid enough to say" Christy gets my vote. Every word out of that guy's mouth this episode earns him this honor. 


TheGraveWolf said...

King Drewche the Magnificent gets cursed with my vote for DoW.

Hilarious, and extremely accurate, commentary on Drewche. Some of your best since the days of Phillip.

I like the new sliding point scale so far. It has been extremely satisfying watching the idiots and bumblers get punished with negative points as they inevitably shamble off the island.

Wolfy's Power Rankings

Missy's Fits
I believe this team has the most to lose from the upcoming swap. Josh is in great position within his tribe and even with their recent tiff I think Jeremy and Keith are in good shape as well. Missy is pretty damn good at the social game and I think she will land on her feet wherever she ends up. My concern is her ability to avoid doing something stupid because Baylor wants to, a la Ciera and Laura M. from the last Blood vs Water.

Daddy's Tissues
This team stands the most to gain from the swap as Baylor has had a huge target on her back since day 1. She has received votes at every Tribal Council so far. A tribe swap is just the change of scenery she needs to make the merge.

Similarly, Jon was a Drewche ally and could certainly benefit big from the swap. We also know from Jeff's comments that he and Jaclyn are in close proximity which hints strongly that they will be on the same tribe.

Dale was probably next to go, and he may still be, but at least he's got a much better chance with a swap. Especially if he ends up on the same tribe as Kelly. A Jon / Jaclyn / Kelly / Dale alliance could be HUGE for this team. Jaclyn already said she likes Dale and refuses to vote for him.

Cheers for Coroners
I think the swap negatively impacts this team overall but it has positive implications for Julie. She may be able to leverage her outsider status for more power and I think she has a good shot to make the merge now.

If Reed and Josh end up on the same tribe they may be targeted. Right now, Reed is flying under the radar and looks good for the merge but pair him up with Josh and his visibility gets exponentially bigger.

Similarly, Natalie is currently in a comfortable alliance and depending on the pairings she could lose a lot of her power with a swap.

Da Buffoons

Doug said...

Excellent article to summarize that episode and blog post to match.

Drew for DoW. Beyond all the other douchey things he did, I'd give it to him just for climbing that little mound of dirt and striking a conqueror's pose while at Exile, just as the helicopter came in for the shot... seriously dude?

Some of the things that came out of Drew's mouth were hilarious. Pure fantasy land. The best part was that he "knew" he was correct about the girls after he was voted out. Back in the real world, that would have never happened if he hadn't put the thought in their heads. So amazing.

New tribes bode well for Daddy Issues, so we are excited. Should be interesting to see how everyone will adjust to their new tribemates and altered alliances.

I especially like how this season doesn't have a front runner at all. So many of them have a shot.

Margot said...

I want to vote for Drew for DOW...but can we at least give Alec half a point? And whoever the hell their father is, he should get a few points for DOW, Douche of the World. Really I don't ever want to meet anyone from their family in real life!

At the Pickett household we were hoping there were negative points for throwing challenge and then getting voted off. Maybe that can be added next year as the "Drew Rules!" (in his tiny brain)

Melissa said...

ha! I agree with Margot! I'm a slacker but I'm getting my vote in just under the wire! DoW is of course Drew. There was quite a bit of celebrating at our house as the votes were being read. As entertaining as stupidity can be, he will not be missed.

GnightMoon said...

I have one thing to say about that episode:

Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahah. Lol lol.

Drew for DoW.
Josh for Front Runner.

Michal Greenberg said...

Yay!! It's great to see Melissa back on the comments board!