Current Standings:
Sinkers and Floaters: 87 points
4. Spencer (23 points)
J'Tude: 59 points
1. Tony (25 points)
2. Kass (8 points)
WooBrr: 50 points
1. Woo (23 points)
Space Cougars: 42 points
2. Trish (13 points)
Power Rankings:
1. J'Tude
Our team despises each other which is dangerous for Kass, but they're still sort-of allies, and they somehow made that work. It'll be interesting to see how the "final 4" (+ Spence) break out. Will Kass find herself in the minority because she's pissed people off too much? Will Trish realize this is about winning $1 million & not about who she likes & doesn't like? Who will Woo ally himself with next? Keeping our team at #1 because we still have 2 players, but the point differential is starting to widen...
2. Sinkers and Floaters
Losing Tasha was unfortunate, but Sinkers still have Spencer, the other player bringing home the bacon. Maybe this will just eliminate his only other competition in challenges. As noted previously, it was obvious Tash's time was limited since she wasn't getting nearly enough airtime considering her tough strategy & game-play. With just 1 player left this team might look like it's in trouble... and really if Tony wasn't such a moron last week, they'd be out of the game by now. But Tony is Tony & Spencer is scrappy. He only needs a couple more challenge wins to earn his way into the finals.
3. WooBrr
Good for Woo for finally thinking for himself... by doing what people other than Tony tell him to do. Still, he's a least starting to make decisions & weigh options for himself which is a big step in the right direction!
4. Space Cougars
Trish has become a really disappointing player in this game. Early on she was making new alliances & planning huge blindsides. Now she's just a fraction of her original size & her interest in the game seems to have disappeared with all her fat & muscle. How is she still so loyal to Tony after all of his shenanigans?
Douche of the Week:
I've got to go with Kass this week. Though I completely understand the misunderstanding between her & Tony, ultimately she was the person in the wrong.
DoW: Kass obviously.
Escaping his newest predicament would be the finest maneuver of Spencer's illustrious career. He'll likely have to do it via immunity challenges.
Don't have time for much analysis this week. Big work event this weekend.
My DoW vote goes to Tasha for not pretending to scramble and immediately getting Tony's suspicions up. Obviously it didn't work out for her.
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