This has been quite the season for last-minute vote changes. I don't think that happens very often, but now we've seen Caleb switch votes at the last second to take out B. Culpepper, and now only the second "let's draw rocks" tribal ever. They sure aren't afraid to throw caution to the winds and jump into new alliances.
I wonder how much Tyson was kicking himself when they got to the draw rocks moment. If only he'd played his newly-found hidden immunity idol! I'm also really bummed he didn't get karmically punished for not playing it. It would have been an astonishing finish to the player who's been the puppet master all season.
I wonder if Ciera considered the Mom Factor when she made the decision to change her vote. Everyone on RI at the moment would definitely side with the minority alliance if they returned to the game at this point. Do the contestants have an idea for when that might be? Was this more of a calculated risk than I thought while watching the show?
I'm extremely interested to see what happens next episode. Losing Katie over Hayden is a huge boost to the minority alliance, but at the same time they are still in the minority. Will they really be able to sway the votes of 3 people who are all but guaranteed a spot in the finals if they stick together? Will someone FINALLY talk strategy with Monica?
The Teams:
51st State: 96 pts
2. Rupert (0 pts)
3. Marissa (3 pts)
4. Caleb (26 pts)
5. Laura M. (29 pts)
MooMe: 92 pts
2. Tyson (35 pts)
3. Monica (33 pts)
5. Rachel (0 pts)
AhhhhFUCKthat: 79.5 pts
2. Laura B. (16 pts)
3. Candice (4.5 pts)
4. Gervase (39 pts)
5. Ciera (14 pts)
Mind Under Matter: 60.5 points
1. Katie (12 pts)
2. Hayden (16 pts)
4. Kat (14 pts)
5. Tina (20.5 pts)
Power Rankings:
1. MooMe - While this was a potentially devastating episode for MooMe, they didn't actually lose anyone. We'll have to wait & see how it plays out next week to actually measure the level of devastation. Both players are contenders & have either the idol or the muscle to have a couple of immunities going into the upcoming tribal councils. I suspect that they both end up at final tribal despite this
2. AhhhhFUCKthat - This episode certainly proves that Gervase doesn't have much self-awareness. I was shocked to hear him say he thinks he can beat Tyson at final tribal. Is he paying attention at all? This team might have been renamed to Willfully Oblivious had Ciera not switched votes. Still, AndBag has 2 players in the game, both of whom are making moves & strategizing (aka Anti-Katies).
3. Mind Under Matter - Go Hayden!! He finally made a move & it saved butt! I've been happy to see him continue to try & take control of the game over the past couple of weeks. He's had a couple of fails that have taken out his buddies, but he's still in the game & looking to be Tyson's biggest threat in the game right now. Keep it up, man! And Tina, please do NOT wuss out & not compete against your daughter. You are better than that, lady.
4. 51st State - Laura M must come back from RI if Doug & Bri are going to have a chance in this game. But it'd be awesome if she did & saved Ciera et al just at the crucial moment. If that happens they should all start calling her SuperMom.
Douche of the Week:
Hard to pick a DOW this week, but I decided on Ciera for not figuring out that she couldn't ride coattails to the finale sooner.
holy bananas indeed, Michal.
Since no one else is voting, I suppose I will put my two cents in. I agree, Ciera earned DoW this week. Although Katie is on my radar as well just because she doesn't do anything.
DoW Gervase.
My DoW is Katie. She still has no idea what game she is playing.
The game is very interesting right now. Pulling anyone on RI out of the equation; I don't think that the 2 girls can win if Hayden or Tyson are part of the final 3. I think Ciera and Monica's best bet would be to use Hayden to get rid of Tyson if possible this week and then use Gervase to get rid of Hayden the next week. It's still a tight jury vote even with Gervase. I think if Tyson or Hayden make it to the finals without the other, they each win. Not sure what happens if they both make it.
Luckily, we still have a RI returnee to throw a big wrench in everyone's plans.
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