Monday, April 23, 2012

One World: Episode 10

THIS was the episode we've all been waiting for, season after season, holding onto the faint hope that some day this moment would come. The Survivor Auction!! We've had Auction rules around for years and have never had the opportunity to use them. Sadly there were no "bad" items at the auction, but I'm willing to forgive that.

Random side-note: I just took a look at who has been eliminated from the competition in comparison to how we drafted them. 3 out of 5 1st- & 2nd-round picks have already been voted out, but only ONE dreg has been claimed, and he was eliminated by karma, not by the tribe. I think this is noteworthy because a) I think it's a direct result of how quickly they merged, b) it reflects on the not-so-bright nature of these contestants, and c) it's probably one of the reasons this season is so entertaining!


The Standings:

Untouchables - Seriously don't touch me: Doug/Bri - 66 pts
[1. Jay (30 pts)]
2. Troyzan (28 pts)
3. Alicia (8 pts)

Pride of Chucky: Bag/Leah - 40 pts
1. Kim (20 pts)
[2. Leif (17 pts)]
[3. Colton (3 pts)]

All Balls, No Brains: Dachui - 38 pts
[1.Michael (22 pts)]
[2. Bill (1 pt)]
3. Kat (15 pts)

The Sycophants: Moon- 29 pts
[1. Jonas (11 pts)]
2. Sabrina (13 pts)
3. Tarzan (5 pts)

Ladies of Ephesus: Me - 25 pts
1. Chelsea (19 pts)
[2. Monica (2 pts)]
3. Christina (4 pts)

Power Rankings:

1. Pride of Chucky - Kim was smart and laid low after two weeks of pretty intense outwitting. I think she's doing a good job of maintaining a low profile - as best she can in a situation where she's running the show - but this could be destroyed by Troyzan running around shouting her name all the time. Will the ladies turn on her once Troyzan is gone? How loyal are Sabrina & Chelsea?

2. Untouchables - Seriously don't touch me - I wonder if Troyzan really thought through his crappy attitude today. Did he do that intentionally, to try & seem like less of a threat for getting votes in a final tribal? I doubt it. I think he just cracked and really easily, imo. And "being really competitive" is not an acceptable reason for being a sore winner. Most people I know are extremely competitive & none of them (well, almost none of them) do a "haha, in your face" dance after a victory. Grow up, you giant baby.
3. Ladies of Ephesus - At first I thought Christina was being really smart at the auction, but I clearly overestimated her. It would have been perfect to hesitate to go after the challenge advantage so that she didn't look like she wanted it for herself, since that would imply that she doesn't trust her alliance. But then when they said "buy it for the alliance" it would have shown that she was a team player & was determined to help take out their biggest threat. Instead, she completely wussed out & now will probably be their primary target after eliminating Troyzan (and maybe Tarzan, but I doubt it). Doh!

4. The Sycophants - This team is swing-vote central right now. I hope they find the gumption to make big moves once Troyzan is eliminated. They could change the game with an underdog alliance and take out the bigger threats in the game. But I don't think Tarzan is going to make plays on his own, so someone will need to approach him to make that happen.

5. No Brains - I think Kat's actually in the safest position in the game right now, but you can't play it safe & win this game. You have to make moves & be able to argue your case articulately to win votes at Final Tribal. I don't think Kat has a chance to win, but there is a tiny part of my mind that hopes that her ignorance is just one amazing act & she'll blindside everyone at the end.

Douche of the Week:  

Troyzan was unbearable in this episode for a number of reasons. He really won my vote after winning the 2nd round of a 3-round elimination challenge and shouting that it was his island. It's behavior like this that brought the DoW rule into fruition in the first place.


Bag said...

Troyzan for sure for DoW. "This is my island!"

Margot said...

Having returned from 2 weeks in Germany on Monday, I watched 2 episodes last night and have a couple of reflections:

I'm sorry about Jay even though I'm rooting for Kim and the women. He seems like a genuinely sweet guy and he reminds me a lot of Matthew McConaughey, so I will miss seeing him.

I, too, am feeling more sympathetic toward Kim. She isn't just a really stupid young thing, but she's still Dumb. I mean I don't think you can make up an exclamation like, "Look there's bacon!" (on the BLT she just bought).

And what's up with Tarzan voting for Leif?? How did that happen? I will say that I liked how he dealt with Troyzan's testosterone outburst!

Michal Greenberg said...

I think you meant Kat, not Kim, and yeah, that was ridiculous!

TheGraveWolf said...

First off, where did that pickle come from?!

Second, I agree with Margot about Jay. I, too, will miss seeing him but probably not in the same way you ladies will. ;)

Troyzan gets my very obvious DoW vote and also earns a decent amount of my contempt. What a baby.

Doug said...

Troyzan isn't going to win Survivor on "his island" with no jury members to vote for him. His actions earn my DoW vote and I hope for my team's score he settles down a little and survives a few more weeks (after winning some more immunity challenges).

YAY AUCTION! Boo no "bad items". That is most of the fun of the auction. Survivor, you only get 1/2 credit for bringing that back.

I thought that most of the ladies were kind of nasty to Christina the way they were begging her to buy the auction advantage with all of her money, while they were gorging themselves on chocolate, peanut butter, and candy. I don't blame Christina for hesitating. I still think she should have bought it, but she should have been pissed that no one else saved their money to do the same.

That being said, you'd think that Christina would be a little more believing of Troyzan's revelations that she is on the bottom of her alliance. I'm curious what else went on that we didn't see. Maybe Christina and Alicia thought about it, but ultimately decided Tarzan was too much of a wild card to team up with. Top 5 with everyone being relatively equal sounds way better to me than top 6 with a good chance you're on the bottom of that list.

We'll see what happens.

GnightMoon said...

I just don't understand how these imbeciles repeat this same sad lemming-like charge into the oceans of hopelessness season after season. Is it a trick of editing? Or do these players really cling to some misguided belief that they are part of alliances that either don't exist yet or we are edited out from seeing?

Christina DoW for being so sad and pathetic, knowing (she has to, right??) that she will be the first to go once the men are gone, and still chosing to stick it out with the women.