Obviously the highlight of the episode was Colton's appendicitis and medical evacuation, followed by a whole bunch of people who could barely hold back their smiles of glee.... except Jonas & Alicia. What's that you said Moon? "I think you're disparaging Jonas the Sycophant a little excessively." If a guy cries when his evil dictator boss is removed from the game, I am not being excessive.
While not an overly thrilling episode, I am really excited about the early merge. The merge is when the pool really gets interesting & the points start racking up! I'm also interested to see how an early merge affects alliances & group dynamics. So really an early merge is good for the pool and good for the show. Win win win. I wonder which alliances they'll stick to most closely. You'd expect them to be more loyal to the people they've known the longest, but for some reason I think they'll all stick closer to their new tribemates.
The Standings:
Untouchables - Seriously don't touch me: Doug/Bri - 22 pts
1. Jay (10 pts)
2. Troyzan (10 pts)
3. Alicia (2 pts)
Pride of Chucky: Bag/Leah- 20 pts
1. Kim (14 pts)
2. Leif (3 pts)
3. Colton (3 pts)
All Balls, No Brains: Dachui - 20 pts
1.Michael (10 pts)
[2. Bill (1 pt)]
3. Kat (9 pts)
Ladies of Ephesus: Me - 13 pts
1. Chelsea (9 pts)
[2. Monica (2 pts)]
3. Christina (2 pts)
The Sycophants: Moon- 11 pts
1. Jonas (1 pts)
2. Sabrina (7 pts)
3. Tarzan (3 pts)
Power Rankings:
1. Untouchables - Seriously don't touch me - Doug & Bri may be to blame for the sudden disappearance of my last post. In the time it's taken me to re-write it they've named their team and shot from last place to first in the power rankings. An investigation is pending. In the meantime, though, let's talk about how solid this team is. Troyzan & Jay are in a really good position in the game right now & losing Alicia really wouldn't be that big of a deal. Although, if she sticks around there's a decent chance she'll win the DoW grand prize of 10 points. She seems determined to win it. According to my mother, Alicia is douchier than a hateful bigot. It's pretty tough to beat that.
2. Pride of Chucky - Bag & my team are on a similar trajectory, but his strong female lead is stronger than mine, and his semi-obnoxious sidekick dreg is less obnoxious. I'd say that Kim is the current favorite to win the game right now and I'll admit it: I'm jealous I don't have her. Leif may skate by for a little while, but I don't think he'll get too far. He's messed up a few too many times for anyone to trust him now.
3. Ladies of Ephesus - My team isn't getting enough positive air time right now, and it's making me nervous. I hope that Tarzan really does shoot himself in the foot next episode & Christina somehow squirms her way into an alliance. Chelsea's too quiet for my tastes so far, but I also think she'll be a good breadwinner for my team. Gotta hope a deep run!
4. The Sycophants - This team is mediocre. There's a chance one of them will make a deep run, but even if they do I just don't see them earning many points on the way. It's merged from here on out & it's going to change the scoring of this game majorly. Individual challenges are going to really polarize team scores & I think this team will be sitting at the bottom of the scoreboard for a long time before it kicks into gear.
5. All Balls, No Brains - Dachui's team may have won the "Most Embarrassing Pony" award with the pick of Kat, a woman pursuing a college degree who has never heard of an appendix of appendicitis. And they had Brandon last season. Michael's a goner and this team is too - sorry Dachui!
Douche of the Week:The votes so far have pretty much locked up Alicia as DoW, unless this have a larger following thank I think. (But if lurkers are there, please vote!) Current scores are: Alicia = 4; Colton = 1. I'm giving my vote to Jonas, for crying when Colton left.
I think someone needs to at least mention what a horrible beat Pride of Chucky took there. This team was going to be close to unbeatable with the 1-2 punch of Kim & Colton; still ranking them second shows how strong this team would have been without that beat. And it was just pure bad luck, not a team weakness or anything. At least Colton sewed up a return trip to Survivor, probably in the near future. I'm going with Colton as DoW - holding onto that immunity idol till the bitter end was as douchey as it gets.
Untouchables continue to catch the lucky merge breaks just in time to save their members. They are the favorites now. Though I'm pretty sure Kim is going to win the million.
It was a bad beat for sure. My mood pre and post viewing of that episode changed quite a bit. Not nearly as good an outlook for Pride now but Kim is a huge beast and could still pull out a victory if the cards fall right.
It was not pure bad luck. It was pure evil and it ate through that appendix like candy. It's only the very worst people who have their own bodies attempt to assassinate them.
Great point made by the Wolf. You could call S24E06 of Survivor "Why I Believe in God".
I forgot to mention, how awesome was it that one of The Sycophants used the word "sycophantic" in the episode?
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